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Center for Teaching and Learning

Kingsborough Center for Teaching and Learning (KCTL)


The Kingsborough Center for Teaching and Learning (KCTL) is dedicated to providing professional development opportunities through which faculty and staff can continue their growth as educators, scholars, and leaders in higher education. KCTL is a faculty-led center which prioritizes the creation of community, the engagement in cross-disciplinary dialogue, and the sharing of existing and emerging pedagogical practices that foster student learning and success, and promote equity​​. The center serves this mission through the following goals:

    • Communities of Practice: to create, foster and participate in communities of practice through the cross-disciplinary sharing of scholarship, creative works, and teaching experiences.
    • Pedagogical Development: to promote the study and application of research-supported, student-centered pedagogical practices that promote access, inclusion, and student success.
    • Support for Scholarship: to engage in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), as well as discipline-specific scholarship, through the examination and research of teaching practices, student performance, and emerging trends across fields of study.

We strive to do this work through a series of faculty learning communities and development opportunities that examine established and emerging practices in college teaching, some of which include:

    • Faculty Interest Groups (FIGs): Faculty Interest Groups are faculty-led learning communities where faculty from various disciplines meet throughout the semester to explore a common interest or emerging practice. FIGs are low-commitment, high-impact faculty development groups that meet three times over a given semester. See our Faculty Interest Group page for more information and if you have questions about a specific FIG, please contact KCTL or the respective FIG Facilitator.
    • Faculty Mentoring Fellowships: These fellowship programs are designed to create community and support faculty members as they move through the advancement processes associated with certificate of continuous employment (CCE), promotion, and tenure. Faculty facilitators will meet with each cohort throughout the academic year to demystify processes, share resources, and develop professional and teaching materials. Cohorts are limited to six faculty members per fellowship and faculty participants will receive a $700 stipend for their participation.
    • Faculty Scholarship Circles: The Faculty Scholarship Circles are research and writing communities where faculty members join a year-long cohort based on their disciplinary backgrounds and interests, to further their own research questions, creative works, writing projects, and other scholarly activity. Each Scholarship Circle is led by two facilitators, each of whom are associate or full professors with an established record of creative and/or scholarly work and who possess a deep interest in and commitment to mentoring and supporting their colleagues.
    • Annual Winter Workshops: These workshops date back to the inception of KCTL in 2005. Each winter session, KCTL hosts a faculty development workshop featuring leading thinkers in college teaching who share their expertise and practices in the art, craft, and science of teaching and learning in higher education.

The Kingsborough Center for Teaching and Learning seeks to provide opportunities for faculty to engage in professional development and share best practices. To date, thousands of members of the Kingsborough Community have participated in and contributed to our programming. We look forward to another year of inspiring events and we invite you to contact us with your feedback on current programming and ideas for future events.

KCTL is directed by Professor Ryan McKinney of the Department of Communications and Performing Arts who also serves as a Professor of Theatre Arts and the Director of the Theatre Arts A.S. Degree Program. Ryan can be reached at ext. 4809 or ryan.mckinney@kbcc.cuny.edu.