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91ƬPro FLEX Coaches

Our 91ƬPro FLEX Coaches

91ƬPro FLEX coaches will help guide and support you – from application to graduation.

Your enrollment coach will help you map out a clear educational plan. She will also help you make your way through the admissions process, and work together with your academic coach and financial aid to prepare you to be a successful 91ƬPro FLEX student. Once you start your first class, your enrollment coach will ensure a smooth transition to your academic coaches. 

Your academic success coaches will be your main points of contact as you complete your program. They can help you:

    • Develop a plan that matches your career goals
    • Connect you to college resources for support
    • Create strategies to keep you on track to graduate

Your Math coach will work with you to create a plan for meeting the CUNY Math requirement and provide you with support along the way.  No matter how you feel about Math or your Math ability, he will remind you that you can do it.


"My main responsibility is advising students. I’ll help you stay on track to completing your degree in a timely manner. ​Working primarily with adult learners is a rewarding experience because I know I'm helping you accomplish a big milestone in your life."
Tanzania Browne, Academic Success Coach

"Many students have a “math phobia.” But my 20 years of experience teaching math and physics has shown me that any student is capable of acquiring the math skills needed to earn a college degree. I look forward to working with you."
Felix Yusupov, Math Coach